Monday, August 25, 2014

Photo Montage

Here is an (almost) wordless account of our trip to Los Angeles. 
This one is just because. It was actually taken a few days before we left. 

Leaaaaavin, on a jet plane! This is where I started to get a bit twitchy about the whole baby on a plane thing.

But it turned out, Jack loved it! 

Loungin at the hotel after the taping. 

Enjoying room service. 

We rode the bus to Santa Monica. It took F O R E V E R, and on the way back, Jack peed on me! 

How I feel about baby pee. How Jack feels about the bus, generally. 

Mama! Turn the beat up! This was on the way home- before the babypocalypse.

So, sorry to underwhelm you with all those pics. I really did not take that many. My phone was pretty much dying the whole time, and every time I turned around Jim was like LOOK! Look!  So I couldn't be messin with snapping photos. I have a SHIT TON of pics of the Hollywood stars outside our hotel.

All the daddies were snapping photos of the Chuck Norris star. Leave me your best Chuck Norris Joke in the comments!

We stayed at The Hotel Roosevelt, which was really cute. The food was amazing. On the last day, we had a HUGE room service credit, so we ordered a feast.

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