Saturday, July 27, 2013

5K or NO WAY?

So, I visited the boardwalk the other day. I was watching all the joggers, and I'm sloughing along, just walking, enjoying the ocean. But the whole time I am thinking, OMG, I can never run. I will never be able to run again. I am so exhausted right now .... 

The next day, I felt so much better and had much more energy. I was thinking I could maybe make it to the gym sometime this century, once I am cleared to officially work out work out. As in jog and really sweat, etc. In fact, my back has been hurting and I think I need to do some yoga or light stretching because it is probably from being soooo lazy.

So, I am going to need my blog readers to go ahead and give me some motivation here! Maybe I should have thought about wanting to bitch out before I told my readers (and I keep track here, over 30,000 views can't lie....) I was going to run a 5k?

A lunch run? I hope so!

Call me out, people!

It's Sunday today. We have plans to have lunch with an AST sister of mine I actually met a long time ago at a sorority convention. Her name is Kat, too, and she's awesome. She has a lovely fiancé and an adorable little boy. I love mom friends! After lunch, I'm not sure what's on tap. Prob just chillin more with this guy, duh:

That's Jack with his new Sophie! 

I always feel a bit anxious on Sundays. I was saying to Jim yesterday, "tomorrow, chemo is tomorrow, I hate tomorrow." Then, I felt guilty. Who am I to hate, or forsake, or take for granted, even for a moment, any day of my life?! I am so lucky just to be on this earth ..... 

Oh, well. It does sum up how I feel. And it is what it is. Tomorrow is an EMA day. That means infusing methotrexate for 12 hours at home and very limited contact with baby boy. Y'all know how much I hate that. I'm so resentful of methotrexate now that I have been told its the only one excreted in urine and it could hurt my family. It causes mouth sores as well. And I'm angry, too. But what's the point of being mad, especially at a drug that's saving my life. ): 

Until then, I'm going to distract myself and have an amazing day! I hope all of my readers do the same. 

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